How to finance full-time animal rights activism
Many have a deep passion for animal rights but activism is often limited by our time. What if you could live on your animal rights activism? I share my experience on how I for three years has financed my full-time animal rights activism through crowdfunding. The presentation will focus on different solutions on how we can give more of our time and resources to animal rights, without going broke or risking burnout. I held the first version of this presentation in 2017 at the International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg which can be seen here. The best target group for this presentation is people who are already active in the animal rights movement.
Many have a deep passion for animal rights but activism is often limited by our time. What if you could live on your animal rights activism? I share my experience on how I for three years has financed my full-time animal rights activism through crowdfunding. The presentation will focus on different solutions on how we can give more of our time and resources to animal rights, without going broke or risking burnout. I held the first version of this presentation in 2017 at the International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg which can be seen here. The best target group for this presentation is people who are already active in the animal rights movement.

The presentation is held by me, Martin Smedjeback. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Lund. I have been working as an educator in nonviolence and peace for the last fifteen years. I have held lectures and facilitated workshops in Sweden, Sudan, South Sudan, Colombia, Germany, Great Britain and Palestine. I work full-time for animal rights in my crowdfunded project A year for the animals.
Those who invite me often represent, for example, an organization, church or school. While I’m responsible for the presentation, you take care of the venue, invitations and other practical things like food and/or drinks.
In addition to having my travel expenses paid for, I usually receive a fee for the presentation itself. However, if your organization's finances are limited, we can always discuss different solutions.
If you have any questions or want to book me for a presentation, please write to [email protected]
or call me at +46-70-257 90 97.
Those who invite me often represent, for example, an organization, church or school. While I’m responsible for the presentation, you take care of the venue, invitations and other practical things like food and/or drinks.
In addition to having my travel expenses paid for, I usually receive a fee for the presentation itself. However, if your organization's finances are limited, we can always discuss different solutions.
If you have any questions or want to book me for a presentation, please write to [email protected]
or call me at +46-70-257 90 97.